HDBC Caught On Camera
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Caught on Camera

Mark never missed an opportunity to ham it up eventhough he pretended to hate to have his picture taken.
"Time for my close-up Mr. Deville..."
Click on a Picture for a close up....
Markus Maximus
A sincere smile; hard won, but worth the battle.

Food Gone Bad
Mark serves up HD's first plate of food.
On retrospect...

Something else...
What the?!

Balloon Animal
Balloon Animal!

Oh My!
Oh my...


The Beast
The Beast!


She's not as sweet as she looks...


Didn't Inhale
Mark denied smoking but he was gracious enough to "pose" for a photo op...

No one, especially Mark knew what was going on in this picture.

St. Pauli?
Foreshadowing... Mark: The St. Harbinging Girl

Back by popular demand!!!
Make sure to show this one to the grandkids...


We Don't Do Windoze
Mark laughs on the "inside" at those on the "outside>'

No Smoking!
Mark loved this chair.


Bad trip!
The person responsible for burning THE CHAIR!

Burt Offering
This says it all.

Good Night Mark.

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